Everyday Carry

Everyday Carry (EDC) Knives by Louis Martin Knives—a brand synonymous with precision, durability, and artisanal quality. Our EDC knives are not just tools; they are a lifetime investment, a testament to age-old craftsmanship, and a reliable companion for your everyday adventures. Below, we delve deep into what makes our EDC knives the unparalleled choice for enthusiasts, professionals, and adventurers alike.

  • At Louis Martin Knives, we don’t just manufacture knives; we craft legacies.
  • Our artisans use centuries-old techniques, blending them seamlessly with modern technologies, to bring you knives that are not only functional but also works of art.
  • We source only the highest quality materials, whether it’s high-carbon steel for the blade or exotic hardwoods and durable synthetics for the handle.

Everyday Carry Knives by Louis Martin Knives: Craftsmanship Meets Functionality

Discover the perfect Everyday Carry Knives by Louis Martin Knives. Made from the finest materials and engineered for reliability, our EDC knives are your ideal companions for daily tasks and adventures. Explore our range now! When you invest in an EDC knife from Louis Martin Knives, you’re not just buying a tool; you’re acquiring a companion that will serve you for a lifetime. Experience the best in craftsmanship, quality, and design by choosing Louis Martin for your everyday carry needs.

Most Selling Everyday Carry

Cleaning Tips


For a thorough cleaning, you can disassemble your knife. However, make sure to refer to your knife’s manual to understand whether it is designed for user disassembly.

Rinse with Warm Water

Open the blade and rinse the knife under warm water to remove any loose dirt or debris. Avoid using hot water as it can cause metal parts to expand and affect the knife’s function.

Soapy Solution

Prepare a mild soapy solution using dish soap. Avoid harsh detergents or chemicals, which can damage the blade or handle material.

Louis Martin Damascus Everyday Carry (EDC) Knives

  1. Disassembly (Optional): For a thorough cleaning, you can disassemble your knife. However, make sure to refer to your knife’s manual to understand whether it is designed for user disassembly. Some warranties might be voided if the knife is improperly disassembled.
  2. Rinse with Warm Water: Open the blade and rinse the knife under warm water to remove any loose dirt or debris. Avoid using hot water as it can cause metal parts to expand and affect the knife’s function.
  3. Soapy Solution: Prepare a mild soapy solution using dish soap. Avoid harsh detergents or chemicals, which can damage the blade or handle material.
  4. Soft Brush: Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or nylon brush to gently scrub the blade, handle, and any serrated areas. Make sure to reach the pivot area and locking mechanism.
  5. Rinse Again: Rinse off the soapy solution thoroughly with warm water.
  6. Dry Immediately: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to dry the knife immediately. Pay special attention to drying out the crevices and any moving parts. Water left in these areas can lead to rust.
  7. Wipe Down: Wipe the blade and handle down with rubbing alcohol. This will disinfect the knife and help remove any lingering moisture.
  8. Lubricate: Apply a small amount of knife-specific lubricant to the pivot area for smooth operation. You can also apply a thin layer of mineral oil to the blade to prevent rus

Louis Martin Everyday Carry (EDC) Knives

  1. For Wooden Handles: If your knife has a wooden handle, you may need to occasionally treat it with mineral oil or a specialized wood conditioner to prevent cracking or warping.
  2. For High-Carbon Steel Blades: High-carbon steel is prone to rusting. Make sure to keep it dry and apply a protective layer of mineral oil.
  3. Storing: If you’re storing your knife for an extended period, consider using anti-corrosion storage solutions like silica gel packets or anti-rust strips. Store your knife in a cool, dry place.
  4. Regular Inspection: Always inspect your knife for signs of wear, damage, or rust before and after cleaning. Address any issues immediately to ensure the knife’s longevity.

Seasonal Maintenance

If you’re in a humid climate or near saltwater, it’s advisable to carry out this cleaning process more frequently. Salt and humidity can accelerate the rusting process, and a clean knife is less likely to corrode.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can ensure that your Louis Martin EDC knife remains in peak condition for years to come. Proper care not only extends the life of your knife but also ensures it performs reliably when you need it the most.